What are the default thresholds for premium feeds?
On initial setup, your premium feeds will contain the following default thresholds for buffer, max blank, silence threshold, timeout and fade. If these do n...
Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 at 9:04 AM
Why has my premium feed not failed over to B-feeds?
The failover to B-feeds is an ingest level redundancy measure designed to provide stability in the event that SharpStream A-feeds ingest server requires mai...
Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 at 9:04 AM
Why is my stream still running off b-feeds backup and not reverted to primary?
B-feeds is an ingest-layer failover strategy that allows customers to send a second contribution to the same mountpoint on a secondary ingest. In the event ...
Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 at 9:03 AM
Why are {mount}_b.mp3 Streams appearing in Portal?
Portal users may notice mounts using the convention {mount}_b appearing on their Stations page. The _b mounts are aliases that b-feeds use that propagate th...
Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 at 9:03 AM
Can I change my stream fallback behaviour (premium)?
Your premium stream failover and fallback behaviour can be finely tuned to suit your preferences. You can choose to alter under what conditions your stream ...
Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 at 9:03 AM
What is a Mount and Stream?
A mount, also referred to as a mountpoint, is a designated URL hosted on a streaming server that serves as a connection gateway for both broadcasters and li...
Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 at 9:03 AM
Why can't I see my stations in Portal?
Stations are only visible to users assigned to that station. If you are unable to see a station, reach out to your Account Admin so that they can assign you...
Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 4:10 PM
How are Concurrent connected statistics in Portal Calculated?
Concurrent connected listeners refer to the combined total of listeners who are currently connected to our streaming servers across all available edges.  ...
Tue, 4 Jun, 2024 at 8:07 PM