This article will explain what visitors to your podcast website can expect, and the various features and functionalities you can make use of to showcase your content.


When you enable the Podcast Website for a particular Podcast in your catalogue, Timbre will create a fixed, public URL where visitors can listen to your podcast and discover other podcasts in your catalogue. 

By making use of the Podcast People and Syndication tabs on your Podcast management page, you can set up your website to show your podcast's contributors and links where users can subscribe via their preferred platform. When you enable websites for multiple podcasts you host on the same account these can also be discovered through that site.


How to Access Your Podcast Website

You can easily access the Podcast Website Homepage for your account by clicking on the Website icon near the bottom of the sidebar. 

Alternatively, you can access the homepage by heading to Podcasts through the sidebar and selecting Manage on your desired podcast. 

In the podcast management screen, select the Website tab. In this section, you will see the View Homepage button that will direct you to your homepage. If you would like to directly access a podcast on your website, navigate to the Website tab through your chosen podcast and select View Podcast. 

Website Homepage

The homepage serves as the central hub, showcasing all the podcasts available for your listeners to explore. Clicking on any of the listed podcasts will take visitors to the dedicated page for that podcast.

Only podcasts with Podcast Websites enabled will appear in this list.

Podcast Website Structure

Upon clicking on a podcast from your homepage, or navigating to a podcast through the Website tab, you will see that we have implemented a split-screen layout. The left panel of the screen is dedicated to the episode currently selected while the right-side panel is dedicated to navigating podcasts and episodes. 

Left Panel

Working from the top down, these are the components of the left-side panel:

  • Customisable Timbre Player -This will use the default player theme that you have set. By design, when the player is playing content, it will continue to play as visitors navigate the site. It will only stop when a different episode is selected.
  • Name of episode - This uses the Episode title set in Timbre
  • Podcast name - This uses the Podcast Title set in Timbre (or the override title if this is populated)
  • Episode description - This uses the Episode description set in Timbre.
  • Copyright information - this uses the copyright field set in the Timbre podcast settings tab
  • Podcast People - displays the contributors associated with the podcast, set in the episode edit page
  • Subscribe options for third-party syndicators. These links are set in the syndication options for the podcast in Timbre. Only syndicator fields that are populated will be shown.
  • Sharing options that allow you to share your episode on Twitter, Facebook and Whatsapp

Right Panel

Working from the top down, these are the components of the right-side panel

  • Hamburger icon that will allow you to easily toggle between the podcast and episode view
    • The episode view will show all available podcasts on your website
    • The podcasts view will show all available episodes for your podcast
If the currently selected podcast has seasons assigned to its episodes, those season numbers will appear in the "Jump to" section that will direct you to the respective season of the selected podcast
  • Show Episodes view
    • This view will show you the currently selected podcast and people associated with the podcast. This is followed by a list of episodes in the podcast grouped by season (if the podcast selected has seasons assigned to the episodes.)
    • If the podcast selected is a "Serial" type podcast. The episodes will be presented in the desired listening order.
    • Visitors can change the sort order for episodic podcasts using the Sort by feature
    • Each episode listed will display the episode artwork, episode name, season and episode numbers, last updated date and an information icon.
    • Clicking on the information icon will open a modal with the full episode information.
    • Clicking on an episode in the Episodes view will open the episode and display associated information in the left panel.

  • Show Podcasts view
    • This view will show visitors the currently selected podcast banner artwork, name, number of episodes, podcast description and people associated with the podcast.
    • Other Podcasts- In the 'Other Podcasts' section, a list of other podcasts hosted in your account will be shown. Clicking on a podcast in the Other Podcasts section will open the "Episodes" view for that podcast.