Podcast People allows users to create and assign profiles for individuals involved in podcasts and podcast episodes. These profiles can include the individual's name, their role in the podcast, and a link to their personal website or social media handle. This provides listeners with direct information about the speakers and contributors in each episode. This article will guide you in adding new People to your podcast or episode.


Adding new People

From the Timbre landing page, navigate to People through the sidebar. From here, simply select "+New Person" to open the People creation modal.

In this modal, enter the relevant information for this Person, add the artwork associated and click on "Confirm".

The Artwork, Name and Role fields are required.

You can add a link to the Person's website, their information page on your site, or even their social media information. 

A green success message in the top-right corner indicates that the Person creation has been completed. 

Adding People to a Podcast

From the Timbre landing page, navigate to Podcasts and select "Manage."

After reaching your podcast landing page, navigate over to the People tab from where you can select any People already on your account to assign to this Podcast (as seen below). You can use the dropdown to see all available Podcast People to select from. 

Alternatively, you can select +New Person to add a new Person.

If you wish to have any of the selected People be added automatically to each new episode added to your selected Podcast, make sure to tick the "Default" box. 

Finally, click on Update Podcast to ensure that these changes are saved. 

Adding People to a Podcast Episode

From the Timbre landing page, navigate to Podcasts and select "Manage."


From the Podcast landing page, click on the Edit Episode icon.

After you have clicked the Edit Episode icon, you will be directed to the episode settings. From here, scroll down to the People Management section. 

In the People management section, you can select People you would like to add from the drop-down menu, or, you can select +New Person to create a new Person to add to this episode.

After you have completed making changes, be sure to hit "Update Episode" in order to ensure all changes are saved.