In order to add a Person to multiple podcasts, you can simply individually add a Person to each podcast from within the "People" section of that podcast.

You can do so by following this simple guide, or by using our more in-depth support article shown below: 

1. Navigate to your selected podcast and click on the podcast artwork, or select "Manage".


2. Next, navigate to the "People" tab from where you will be able to add a previously create Person from the dropdown, or add a new Person to your account. Creating a new Person from this screen will automatically associate them with this Podcast.

You can also tick "Default" if you wish for this Person to appear on every new episode added to this podcast.

3. After you have selected the People you wish to associate with this podcast, click on "Update Podcast" to ensure that your changes are saved. 

For more information on how to add Podcast People to your Timbre account, how to add Podcast People to an episode, and how to set Podcast People defaults, please visit our helpful support article titled 'How to Add Podcast People'.


As Podcast People have defined roles in Timbre, one cannot re-assign those People based on their role on a specific episode of a podcast, or another podcast entirely. 

One way to circumvent this limitation is to simply create a duplicate Person with the needed role. This Person can then be associated with any podcast or podcast episode.