If you're new to SharpStream's Portal, added a new mount, or would simply like to know with confidence that the stream you're sending is reaching your audience, you can check this easily from Portal by checking the stream status, listening to the Ingress and Edge servers and by listening to the listen link.
Check your stream is connected
In Portal, head to the Station Page and take a look at the Mounts. Encoder Status will indicate whether the encoder is connected or disconnected. Stream status will indicate if there are any issues affecting SharpStream's ability to serve the stream.
To learn more about what the statuses mean, Take a look at this help article.
Listen to the Ingress and Edge Servers
Once you're satisfied that the encoder is connected, select the mount point that you've connected to and listen to the audio on the Ingress (incoming) and the Edge (outgoing) servers.
For more information on stream monitoring in Portal, including a step-by-step guide, click here.
Listen to the Listen Link
A final check that you can do is to listen to the link used on all your distribution platforms. You can find the listen link on the Mount Page under Stream Information.
Copy this link and paste it into your browser or into a player (such as VLC) to listen to the audio.