This article will provide you with all the information you need to get your Caster set up to begin streaming.
Powering on and connecting Caster
- Plug your audio input cables into the respective L-R sockets on the front face of the unit.
- If you are planning on using an ethernet connection to connect your Caster, run an ethernet cable from an active ethernet port on your network into the front face of the unit. (If you plan to connect your Caster via wi-fi, you can skip this step)
- Plug the Power supply into the front face of the unit. The red light on the rear face of the Caster will glow.
- Caster’s stream controls and settings are all managed via a web browser on either a desktop or mobile device. Head to your device’s WiFi settings and select the Picaster Network from the available networks (Picaster_ XXXXXX) Connect using the Password 1love4streaming
- In a browser window/app, visit while connected to the Caster network. You will arrive on the Login Page. Use the default login:
Username: admin
Password: p1c8st3r
- If you have not established an ethernet connection, you will be automatically directed to the network settings page where you can set up a wifi connection. Select your wireless network from the available list and input the network password.
If you are using an ethernet connection then you will automatically be connected to your network via DHCP
Creating your first "Profile"
To start streaming with Caster you will need to set up at least one Profile.
Profiles allow you to set the target mounts to direct your contribution stream. Multiple different profiles can be stored on the Caster to recall for future use. You can preload any available profile before streaming to configure the active target mount. Caster can only stream to one target mount at any one time.
To set up your first profile, follow the steps below:
- Go to Profiles and select “Create a new profile”.
- Input the mount details for the target stream you wish to contribute to.
- Select the desired encoding format and bitrate of the stream you wish to send.
- Select the reconnect setting of the profile. This configures the behaviour of Caster when the power is disconnected and reconnected.
If the reconnect setting is set to “recall last value”, Caster will startup with whichever stream status was set upon disconnection of the power supply. “Always On” will mean that the stream automatically connects upon reconnection of the power supply and “Always Off” will mean that the stream will always require manual reactivating upon power reconnection. - Select your USB Recording preference to on or off (see Local Recording via USB for more information).
- Save your Profile. Once saved click “Activate” on the profiles page to apply the profile settings. You can have multiple profiles listed on this page but only one can be activated at any one time.
If you are a SharpStream Portal user, you can find contribution information for any of your streams on the stream information page. Not sure which settings to use? View our help guide here: What Caster Stream Settings are Right for me?
Start streaming
Once you have activated your profile, you are ready to stream. Head to the Dashboard and click “Start” to connect.
The latency chart will give a live update of the delay-to-stream and the dB meter will indicate the volume of your audio output. These tools can help you diagnose any network or audio issues if they arise.