During your programmatic monetisation journey, you will encounter variations and fluctuations from month to month. Some elements can be controlled, but others can not. This article is designed to offer advice on some best practices and ideas to set up your streams for sustainable success.

For information on the ad server configuration settings and how to optimise your monetisation strategy, read our help article on the topic here: Monetisation: Configuration Considerations 

Increase station traffic

It should go without saying: the more traffic your station's streams receive, the more ad impressions you can generate, leading to higher returns. This is compounded by the possibility of more advertisers paying higher CPM (Cost per Mille) rates to get their ads heard by your audience.

A good place to start is by making your station as easy to find as possible. Make sure your stream is listed on as many internet directories in your territory as you can find. 

If you need help getting started, here are links to 5 of the top directories in the UK:

Smart speakers are now the most popular device for internet streaming. Ensure your station can be discovered on voice-activated smart speakers by developing an Alexa Skill and Google Action for your station.

With all that said, you need to ensure you are cultivating a dedicated audience by focusing on creating high-quality, engaging content. If you can attract new ears while also keeping regular listeners coming back for more, you'll be on track for success in your monetisation journey.

Optimise your ad placement

Experiment with different ad placements and formats in your stream to determine what works best for your audience. 

Short breaks (30-90 seconds) tend to have a better fill rate as the ads server is more likely to respond with a sufficient number of ads to fill the break. 

Remember, listener retention is an important factor in long-term monetisation success. It is essential to strike a balance between making sure sessions are receiving sufficient ads to make revenue while not disrupting the listening experience so much to put off your audience.

By setting up flexible ad markers you can tailor different length breaks at different parts of the day to maximise impressions. Talk to our support team to ensure your ad configuration can accommodate this.

Analyse listener behaviour to determine where in an hour listener traffic is highest, making ads more likely to be heard by your audience. This can lead to higher engagement and ultimately, higher revenue. You can also use the ATSL (Average Time Spent Listening) metric in our analytics reports to determine how frequently you should be placing ads to ensure most sessions generate multiple ad impressions.

Target high-paying ads

By obtaining more listener data with consent, you can broadcast ads that are relevant to your audience and pay higher rates. For example, if your station caters to a high-income demographic, you can target ads for luxury products and services, which may pay a premium CPM.

Consent tracking can be enabled with most major audio streaming players.

If a web listener configures their browser not to be tracked for advertising purposes, the HTTP requests sent by the browser will contain the special header DNT:1. In this case, the ad server will not try to read a cookie, profile the listener or send the listener ID to any third party. However, non-targeted ads may be inserted on these sessions if available.

Track and analyse your RPM 

Monitor your RPM (Revenue Per Mille) rates in our regular revenue reports and identify any trends or patterns. Use this data to make informed decisions about your ad strategy and to continually optimise your RPM rates.

Other factors

In addition to the tips below, here are some other factors to consider that impact RPM.

Geographic location

The geographic location of a station’s listeners can impact RPM. Advertisers may be willing to pay more to target listeners from certain regions or countries.

Station genre or topic

The genre or topic of a radio station can impact RPM rates. Stations that cover popular and lucrative niches or cater for focused demographics tend to have higher rates as advertisers may be willing to spend more on available slots to ensure their target market hears their creatives.


The time of year can impact RPM. Certain seasons, such as the holiday season, tend to see higher ad spend and thus higher RPM rates. Boosts in ad fill rates have also been witnessed as the financial year draws to a close.

Mobile listenership

Mobile devices are increasingly being used to stream audio content, so make sure your stream is optimised for mobile devices. Make sure you have a low bitrate stream available for any mobile apps your stream may be listed on.

Ad block usage

The use of ad blockers can impact RPM rates. Stations that have a high percentage of listeners who block ads may see lower rates.

Ad network or exchange

The ad network or exchange used by a station can impact RPM rates. Different networks and ad exchanges have varying CPM rates and may be more suitable for certain types of streams.