Now that you have created your podcast in Timbre, you can add new episodes to the podcast feed from the Episodes Tab. To reach the Episode Tab, find the podcast and click "Manage".



Before you start, make sure you have your Podcast episode prepared on your local disk, ready to upload in MP3 format.

Step 1: Navigate to the Manage page of the Podcast to which the episode will be added.

Step 2: Make sure you are on the "Episodes" tab and select Select “+ Episode”.

Step 3: In the episode creation modal, click "Upload Media" and select your episode's MP3 asset from your local disk. If you wish to select an audio asset from your Timbre storage library, click "Select Existing Media" and search for the file in the dropdown. While it uploads you can populate the form with the relevant information for the podcast.

See "Episode Fields" at the bottom of this article for a full list of fields and any requirements.

Step 4: Select "Create & View Episode" to finalise the episode creation and direct you to the newly uploaded episode's edit page to preview the episode and add chapter markers.

If you plan on uploading a few new episodes or do not need to make any further changes, you can click "Create Episode" (instead of "Create & View Episode") to create the episode without redirection to the episode edit page.

UI Walkthrough

Step 1: Navigate to the Manage page of the Podcast to which the episode will be added.

Step 2: Make sure you are on the "Episodes" tab and select Select “+ Episode”.

Step 3: In the episode creation modal, click "Upload Media" and select your episode's MP3 asset from your local disk.

Step 4: Select "Create & View Episode" to finalise the episode creation and direct you to the newly uploaded episode's edit page to preview the episode and add chapter markers.

Episode Fields

Episode Name * 

This will reflect as the title of the episode if you embed it and populate the <name> field of the item in an RSS feed (if the episode is used in a feed)

Description *

A brief synopsis of the episode's content.


Choose whether the episode is immediately published (publicly accessible) upon creation. Scheduled publish times will override this value.


Status to warn the audience of content unsuitable for all audiences.

YesThe episode contains profanity, bad language and/or adult themes.
NoThe episode does not contain profanity, bad language and/or adult themes.
CleanAn ordinarily explicit episode has been edited/censored to improve suitability for all audiences.

It is important that Explicit content is properly flagged. Explicit content that is not flagged as such may be removed or banned from any third-party directories distributing the podcast.


Setting your episode type allows you to make the most of third-party integrations. It allows certain pieces of content to be flagged differently from your regular episodes.

Full EpisodeA normal, full-length episode of the podcast.
Trailer A short introduction that gives an idea of the content listeners can expect. This will often appear at the top of the podcast page on third-party apps that have trailer support.
BonusAn episode that sits outside of the usual episode schedule such as a seasonal special or exclusive content. This will be flagged as a bonus episode on apps that support season/episode views.

Artwork *

Choose an image from your artwork library to accompany your episode or upload a new image from your local disk.

You can set this to appear alongside the media asset in the Timbre player. It will also be tied to the episode in the RSS Feed. 

Ensure that the episode artwork matches the podcast artwork requirements so the RSS feed validates in all third-party services.

Season No. / Episode No.

If your podcast is being released seasonally over definite time periods as opposed to continuously over an indefinite time period, we recommend assigning season and episode numbers to your episodes to integrate with the season-splitting features on various podcast apps. 


The author or presenter name improves discoverability in search results and podcast recommendations.

Homepage URL

If your episode has a page on your website, link it here.


Adding tags relevant to the episode content can improve episode discoverability on third-party platforms.