To get started right away with sharing your stream on your website, you can embed our simple "playall" player as an iframe element on your HTML site. This article outlines the steps on how to locate this code.
Quick Guide
Step 1. Head to the Stream page under the section called Stream Information for the desired stream in Portal. Locate the "Embed Player" and click the "See" button.
Step 2. A modal will appear on your screen with the embed code for the player. Click on the clipboard icon to copy this.
Step 3. Paste the code into your HTML Website.
Step 4. Customise the player.
Detailed Steps
Step 1. Head to the Stream page under the section called Stream Information for the desired stream in Portal. Locate the "Embed Player" and click the "See" button.
Step 2. A modal will appear on your screen with the embed code for the player. Click on the clipboard icon to copy this.
Step 3. Paste the code into your HTML Website. It should be formatted like this:
Format: <iframe src='{MOUNTNAME}'></iframe>
Live Example: <iframe src=''></iframe>
The player will appear as follows:
If you are sending song and artist metadata from your encoder, this will appear on the player. If not, the player will default to displaying the mountname of the stream it is playing.
Step 4. Customise the player.
Parameter | Default | Description |
autoplay | false | if true/1, start playing on page load |
metarefresh | 16000 | check meta every # seconds |
metatimeout | 10000 | timeout meta request if takes longer than # seconds |
theme | light | change theme [light/dark] |
Live Example: <iframe src=''></iframe>
Some browsers have security measures that prevents audio from playing without user interaction. As such, "autoplay" may have limited effectiveness on certain webpages in these browsers.