The Dashboard provides you with an overview of your live and historical stats based on the stations, daypart and time period selected. This unique view offers 4 sections containing vital information on your audio content.


Basic Information

How time periods affect the data displayed

Total Listening Hours

Total Listening Hours information is based on the stations, daypart and time period selected at the top of the page. Where no daypart is selected, the stats will start from 00:00 on the first day to 00:00 on the last day of the date range. Where the last day of the date range is the present, the data reflected will be up to the last completed hour. 

Here is an example of date ranges applied to the data between 7 February and 9 February: Date range: 00:00 7 February 2021 to 00:00 9 February 2021

Here is an example of the same date range when the end date is the present date, considering it is 14:15 on 9 February 2021: Date range: 00:00 7 February 2021 to 14:00 9 February 2021 (the last completed hour was at 14:00)

Listener Graph

The information displayed in the listener graph is based on the stations, daypart and time period selected at the top of the page. The x-axis of the graph is based on UTC time. This is important to note when your timezone differs from UTC. The data displayed in the graph will be accurate according to the selected timezone (for example the data for 6am will in reality be 6am in your timezone), but the graph will reflect the data based on UTC. 

Here is an example of how the graph displays information for the time 06:00 UTC +2:

What filters are applied to the data?

Active Sessions

Active Sessions have a <60s filter applied in order to provide insight into valid and engaged listeners. This is especially important for customers who monetise their online audience as this is the metric advertisers are interested in and rate 'valid audience' as. 

Total Sessions Started Today

Total Sessions Started Today have a 1-second filter applied to minimise the distorting effects of snooper bots or traffic manipulation. This means that a listener has to remain connected to the stream for at least 1s before they will be counted as a valid session start.

Historic Data

All stats relating to Historic stats also has a 1-second filter applied to it to limit the data shown to 'valid' data. 

Listener Graph

To ensure the accuracy of data based on the filters mentioned above, the Listener graph shows information in intervals of 15 minutes, which creates a smoother graph based on the aggregate information over the 15-minute window. The Listener graph is also near real-time, meaning there is around a 15-minute delay before audience data will be visible in the graph to account for the above. 

Summary of Metrics Used

Active Sessions

Current Active Sessions (sessions over 1 min) in real-time.

Total Sessions Started Today

Cumulative number of valid sessions started (over 1 second) since 00:00 today.

Total Listening Hours

Total listening hours over the selected time period.


Number of stations selected to display stats.

Top Real-Time Stations

Top Real-Time Stations shows the top 5 stations associated with your account based on the stations selected in the top right of your page. If you have less than 5 stations you will see all your selected stations ranked from highest to lowest in terms of their traffic. You will also see the Sessions Started (SS) and Active Sessions (AS) for these stations.

Listeners Graph

The Listeners graph shows you a trail of session peaks over the time period you have selected. Sessions peaks consider the session started filter of a minimum of 1-second connection before being counted. 

Hovering over the graph will show you the timestamp and number of concurrent connections at that time.  

Note that when longer time periods are selected, for example, a month, the interval will change to daily highest session peak. For example, looking at the data for 1 January 2021 to 31 January 2021, when hovering over the graph, the Session Peak will show the highest peak of the day. 

Countries, Platforms & Devices 

Countries, Platforms and Devices are all historical stats based on the station, daypart and time period selected. At a glance, these charts provide information on your top country, platform and devices based on the highest session peak over the time period. 

Hovering over each segment in the chart will change the information to be relevant to that segment, showing you the country, platform or device, highest recorded session peak and percentage Total Listening Hours against overall Total Listening Hours.