This page will guide you on how to generate a Historical Report of your audience statistics for a selected date range.


Generating a Historical Report

Step 1: Head to the Station page and click on the 'Report' tab.

Step 2: Set the date range by filling in the date boxes. Click the search button under 'Run A Historical Report' to generate the report. This will generate a detailed report of your listener statistics over the specified period.

Step 3:  Click the Print/PDF to save the report or scroll through on your browser to make use of interactive functionality on the reach map and charts.

The report will display stats from the time period selected broken down into the following categories:

  • Reach Map
  • Stream Breakdown
  • Day Breakdown
  • Hour Breakdown
  • Country Breakdown
  • Platform Breakdown
  • Device Breakdown

For full definitions of the breakdown criteria and how metrics in the report are calculated, view the following help article.

UI Walkthrough

  • Step 1: Head to your station page and click on the 'Report' tab.

  • Step 2: Set the date range by filling in the date boxes. Click the search button under 'Run A Historical Report' to generate the report. This will generate a detailed report of your listener statistics over the specified period. 

  • Step 3: Click the Print/PDF to save the report or scroll through on your browser to make use of interactive functionality on the reach map and charts.