You can specify dayparts to filter analytical data for certain times of the day over the date range you specified. These could coincide with the times of your daily show slots. This article will show you how to set them up.


How to create custom Dayparts

  1. Navigate to Dayparts under the Tools section in the navigation pane on the left and click on the 'Create' button.

  2. Specify the days of the week that you would like the information displayed as well as the 'From' and 'To' hours.

  3. Click 'Save'. Repeat these steps for any additional dayparts you wish to create.

  4. Once you have created at least one Daypart, you can select these for filtering your historical reports. See our article on Managing the Data Displayed for more information on how to filter your historical reports for date ranges and dayparts.

You can create as many Dayparts as you need in any combination of days of the week and hours of the day. All Dayparts will be listed and visible under Tools -> Dayparts

UI Walkthrough

1. Navigate to Dayparts under the Tools section in the navigation pane on the left and click on the 'Create' button

2. Specify the days of the week that you would like the information displayed as well as the 'From' and 'To' hours. 

For example, if the Breakfast Show runs between 6 am and 9 am, Monday to Friday, the daypart will look like the below.

3. Click 'Save'. Repeat these steps for any additional Dayparts you wish to create. All Dayparts will be listed and visible under Tools>Dayparts